If you have any concerns at this time, please reach out to the Sawyer team at support@hisawyer.com.
The global community has been talking about COVID-19, a novel coronavirus disease that is spreading to cities that many members of our community call home.
If there are concerns about flu and COVID-19 transmissions in your area, you might be thinking about how these could impact your business and ways to communicate with families. No matter the circumstances, being transparent with families on how you handle health, safety, and general wellness on a regular basis is incredibly important.
We’ve put together helpful links, suggestions for health and safety alongside recommendations and resources to help manage your business in the case of a school closure in your neighborhood.
Highlight The Importance Of Health and Safety
Communication and transparency is important especially when families are thinking about the health and safety of their little ones. Consider adding the following tips to your cleaning and wellness policies and sharing them with your community of parents, caregivers, and educators.
Include internal strategies for sharing important announcements and updates with staff, students, and their families.
Awareness is everything! Explaining your cleaning process to families and actively have a cleaning rotation so customers can see the process in action.
Routinely clean all surfaces in the workplace, such as workstations, countertops, and doorknobs with the appropriate cleaning agents.
Provide disposable wipes so commonly used surfaces — think doorknobs, keyboards, remote controls, desks — can be wiped down by employees before and after each use.
Clean toys and equipment regularly. Wipe down toys you plan to use or have finished using in class! When classes finish, take five minutes as a team to clean blocks, legos, musical instruments, etc. Make sure to put away clean toys that won’t be used in your next class.
Take extra care when vacuuming, mopping, sanitizing bathrooms, and wiping down surfaces like windows, tables and countertops.
Encourage everyone to wash their hands often with antibacterial soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing their nose, coughing, or sneezing.
Tip: Hand sanitizer is a substitute but should not take the place of hand washing.