*please note that the video is reflecting roster 1.0
Your Roster Display
- Go to Upcoming and select a class
- From the Roster Actions or More Options Menu [...], select Roster Settings
- Select the information you would like to display on the roster
- Click Save
Note: Any changes made in Roster Settings is a global change and will apply to all rosters.
- You can customize how the questions are shown on your roster using nicknames. This is especially helpful for wordier questions (like waiver language) that you don't need to be spelled out in full under each student on your roster.
- By default, attendance is taken by marking the student absent or present. If you prefer to record when a student has been dropped off and picked up and who dropped them off and picked them up, you can switch to the Check in / Check out method. Learn more
How to Download and Print Rosters (New!)
You can download a custom printer-friendly version of the roster and take attendance with pen and paper if you choose!
- Navigate to Roster Actions and click the Print Roster option from the drop down menu.
- A .csv file format of the daily roster will be generated and emailed to you to download.
- Simply open the .csv file in your favorite spreadsheet application and you can customize your printable roster!