Being able to transfer a student from one class to another just got a lot easier!
In this article, you will learn how to transfer a student from one single session into another single session. This will never change a student's full enrollment. It is just for changing one individual class due to a student conflict or a similar issue.
- For example, here is a scenario when you will use this feature: "Sara has a doctor appointment and won’t be able to make class tomorrow, is there a class she can attend on Wednesday instead?”
Please note:
- Transferring a student does not affect the financials on the order.
- It does not transfer add ons.
- It does not allow for the client or student to adjust their own booking.
Here are the steps for single day transfers:
- Once you are logged in, go to Upcoming and click into a roster.
- In a roster, click the three dot menu next to a student’s name and you will see an option for Transfer Single Date.
- When you click on Transfer Single Date, you will see the student’s contact information on the left side. You will also see the student's current booking information, including the date of the session you are transferring and the name of the activity.
- To select a Target Activity, you have two search options: By Date or By Activity.
- If you choose By Activity
- You will see the available capacity in each session.
- But, you can still overbook an activity. The display of capacity is there to make sure you are aware when you take the action.
- Then, you will see Select Target Activity as the first field, followed by Select New Date.
- In the Select Target Activity dropdown, you will see a list of all active scheduled activities.
- Once you select a scheduled activity, then you open the Select New Date field to see a list of each session date.
- Once you’ve selected all fields, you will be able to click Continue, which will bring you to a confirmation screen.
- If you click Continue and you have not filled out all fields, you will not be able to move forward and will see errors on the fields you still need to fill out.
- If you click Cancel or the x in the top left corner of the modal, then you will see an alert asking you to confirm that you would like to leave without saving the changes.
- On the confirmation page you will see a summary of the changes you’re making which include your current registration details followed by the new registration details.
- You will see the available capacity in each session.
- If you choose By Date
- You will see the Select New Date field first, followed by the Select Target Activity field
- When you open the Select New Date field, you will see a calendar and you can select any date on that calendar.
- Once you pick a date and open the Select Target Activity field, you will see a dropdown of all available Activity Sessions on that date.
- Once you click Confirm Transfer, the change to the booking will be made. You will then see the new roster and an email will be sent to the client notifying them of the change.
- You will see the Select New Date field first, followed by the Select Target Activity field
Roster details
- After a single day booking has been transferred you will see the details of the transfer on the new roster.
- You will see the name of the activity the student was transferred from as well as a link to the original roster.
- When you click on that link, you’ll be taken to the cancelled tab of the original roster. Here, you will see the details of the activity that the student was transferred into. This links you back to the new roster as well.