Yes! If you provided specific instructor information during the onboarding process, it is likely that our team added them. You can also add additional instructors to your account at any time. We recommend creating instructor profiles to give customers visibility into the instructors scheduled for their activities. Instructors will have access to basic roster functionality and will be able to mark attendance directly in your account. We recommend sharing our instructor guides to help them become familiar with the system.
First you will need to create a new Instructor:
- To create a new instructor click on Listings on the left navigation toolbar and click on Instructors.
- Click on New Instructor. You will be able to add the instructor’s name, email, and phone number. Email address will be required to successfully add them to your account.
- The instructor will receive an email to log into their account.
Next, you will need to add the Instructor to their scheduled activities:
- Go to Schedules and then navigate to the activity you want to make them the instructor for in either Semesters, Camps/Events, or Appointments. You can use the search bar at the top to quickly find what you're looking for.
- Click on the pencil icon next to the activity name to edit the activity.
- On the first screen of editing the activity you will see the option to add an instructor. Note that you can select multiple instructors to assign them to an activity. By adding them as an instructor, you are giving them access to the information for that activity, as well as the roster for that activity which includes customer information for class participants.
Please note: the permission settings and access for an Instructor will be different than yours. They will only have access to the Upcoming tab on the left hand toolbar and they will only be able to see the activities and rosters that they are assigned to. For more information about users and permissions, check out our help article!