Yes! There are a few ways you can charge fees associated with activities in Sawyer.
Providers now have the ability to create a customizable booking fee and charge customers either a percentage or a fixed amount at checkout. This fee will be applicable on orders placed through the widget and marketplace as well as new orders placed through the roster. To learn more about the new booking fee feature, please review this NEW Custom Booking Fee article.
We also support required fees, required add-ons such as extended day or early drop-off, and optional add-ons (e.g. t-shirts or art kits). To learn more about add-ons, review this article. Memberships are another option for businesses that want to charge subscription or access fees.
In this article, we'll cover how to set up fees for customers to purchase during the activity booking flow. These fees will be charged per child.
To add fees to existing scheduled activities, please follow the steps outlined below. If you're setting up a new activity, the process below will be used during step 3 of the scheduling process.
- Navigate to Schedules, then select Semester or Camp/Event, depending on the type of scheduled activity.
- Find the Scheduled activity timeframe and expand using the ^ icon on the left side of the Schedule Container.
- Locate the activity within that Schedule Container and click on the pencil icon by the activity name to open the editor.
- Select 3. Add-ons, which can be found towards the top right of the page.
- Scroll down to review multiple options like after school pick up, extended day, as well as optional add ons and required fees.
- If you select optional add ons or required fees, you will see the option to name the fee. This name will display to your customer when they are purchasing the activity.
Note: Optional add-ons means a customer will be able to choose whether or not they want to pay for that add-on, whereas required fees will be a required fee that is charged once per order of an activity. For early drop-off, extended day and after school pick up, customers will be required to pay the fee if they select that add-on during the check out process.