Have questions about your Sawyer widget? We've listed some frequent questions below. If you have an additional question, please reach out to support@hisawyer.com.
Can I hide tabs from my widget?
Yes, all tabs can be hidden by support. Hidden tabs can still be linked to and embedded.
What are the default widget tabs?
Drop Ins, Semesters, and Camps/Events are shown by default.
Can I change the tab names on the widget?
Yes, most tab have alternate naming options. View the options in our Widget Customization article then let the support team know what changes you want made.
What tabs automatically populate?
Class Packs, Memberships, Online Classes, and Parties appear automatically when they’re populated.
How can I add gift cards to my widget?
You can activate the gift cards tab in the Gift Cards section of Sawyer. For more information, view our step by step article on how to enable Gift Cards.
Are widget settings global?
Yes, All widget settings are global (i.e. you cannot have a widget on one page of your site where Camps/Events is called Camps and another where it is called Events).