Form Fields are used for any questions you want to ask customers at checkout, which can include agreeing to policies and waivers.
There are three field type options we have seen used with Sawyer in regards to waivers, release forms and policies in Form Fields:
1. Checkbox: If you want the customer to check off saying they agree or have read the content, the checkbox style allows you to add all the verbiage in the Field Title box, and then set the checkbox say something that acknowledges they've read and/or agree to it. This can be required when they check out. Similarly, if you are using a third party e-signature set up, you can hyperlink that waiver into the Field Title box then set up the Checkbox Field Type to have the customer verify that they've completed the linked form.
2. Free Text Short: If you want the customer to type in their name to say they agree to it or have read it, the free text short field type allows you to add all the verbiage of the waiver/form in the Field Title box ending with something like "Please type your name below to confirm you have read and agree". The short text field can be required when they check out
3. File Upload: If you need a physical signature from the customer then you would choose the file upload field type. Choose the "Ask clients to download my template file to upload" option and you can add the waiver/release form that has to be signed. Customers can download the form, fill it out then upload it back into their account. This would not be a required field, but we recommend in the Field Title box listing clear instructions and letting customers know that it is necessary in order to participate in programs.
We cannot advise on the legality of setting up waivers or releases in these ways and we do not currently offer e-signature functionality, but you can reach out to us if you would like further clarification on any of the options above!
For information on how to set up any of these options, please refer to our Form Fields 101 article.