The roster Activity Details section at the top of the page displays the following information about each roster:
1. Activity title
2. Activity instance date and time
3. Activity location address
4. Activity instructor's name
Navigating Between Rosters
You can use the <Previous and Next> buttons directly below the activity details section to navigate to other rosters within the same activity schedule.
Searching for Participants
You can easily search for students by using the search bar:
Student search is contained within each tab (booked, waitlisted, and canceled). For example, if you open the booked tab, you will be searching for only students that are booked for the activity.
If you'd like to access the order for a student, simply click on the three dots next to the student's name and click on their order #. This will take you to their order receipt.
Roster Sort Order
Rosters generally display participants in alphabetical order by first name. For rosters of mixed age activities, you'll first see the Children and additional Adults in alphabetical order, then you'll see the registered Clients in alphabetical order.
We recommend using the search bar to quickly and easily find a participant on the roster!