When a parent discovers your activities, they might not be familiar with your business. But, they likely found you because they are searching for something you provide. Therefore, you want to make sure that your activity titles, descriptions, and imagery are enticing, clear, and professional, so that they book with you.
Consider these best practices when thinking about ways to make your activities stand out:
Activity titles
Keep your activity titles clear, but don’t forget the fun!
Title tips
- Keep titles short and informative.
- Include the type of class if it's not clear (dance class, arts & crafts, etc).
- Add a hook so parents want to click to see more. For example, Pokemon art? What's that?!
- Avoid using emojis.
- Keep your capitalization standard across activities.
Activity descriptions
General writing tips
- Use second or third person (you or they) when talking about what the children will do in the activity.
- Keep your tone light and fun but be informative. Parents are looking to see that their child will have fun but also that they will be safe and learn.
- Share details that customers love about your business. For example, "Children love to make their own..." or "Parents love when their child comes home with..."
- Highlight specifics like instructors, what a class schedule might look like, and what the child will learn.
Content tips
- Assume customers aren’t familiar with your business. Explain who you are and why you are an expert.
- Use descriptions to help parents get to know your offerings. Why should they sign their child up for your classes instead of someone else's?
- Think of these description sections as sales pitches. How can you inspire parents to book your classes?
Imagery best practices
Your images should be bright, professional, and well-edited. Avoid clipart and stock photos as much as possible. Show children having fun in your space.
For a guide to images on Sawyer, check out this article. For more details on free resources for imagery, check out this these photo editing tips as well as this guide on Smartphone photography.
Remember — be creative and let your activities shine. We’re in the business of making learning fun!