To start selling gift cards, first you’ll need to enable the feature.
- Go to Products > Gift Cards
- Press the Set Up button
- Enable gift cards by toggling the button to the right, turning it green
- Select Widget Status
- Choose Visible on Widget or Not Visible on Widget.
- Click the Customer Link button to get a custom link to your gift cards. You can use this to send a direct link to the gift cards tab of the widget on your website or through an email. For example, paste this link into the body of a marketing email advertising gift cards.
- Determine what Preset Amounts you’d like to offer and whether you’d like to allow clients to buy Custom Amounts.
- You can choose Preset Amounts that are equal to the typical cost of a class to make it easy for clients to gift the cost of a class.
- Note: You cannot sell a gift card for more than $5,000. You can select a different limit, as long as it does not exceed $5,000.
- Select at least one gift card design that you’d like to offer, or upload your own design! Keep in mind that the gift card amount will display in white text over the design.
- Read the Gift Card Terms and Conditions and acknowledge that on the Setup page.
- Press Save
Notes: To enable and sell gift cards, you must select whether you’d like to sell preset and/or custom amounts. Additionally, you must agree to the Gift Cards Terms and Conditions.