The roster has two types you can choose while scheduling your activity. You can set either of these to your account default or customize them on the activity level.
Attendance Type
In this view, you will be able to mark whether a student is Absent or Present
Check in/Check out Type
This view is a multistep process where you can record the time when a student checks in, who checked in the student, and any additional notes. Once a student is checked in, you can then record the time the student is checked out, who checked the student out, and any additional notes.
Select Default Roster Type
Select a Default Roster Type to make sure every one of your rosters appears the same. Please note that changes will not affect activities that have already been created, even if they have sessions in the future. To make changes to existing activities, you'll need to do so at the activity level in advanced settings. To update your default roster type follow these steps:
- Navigate to My Account > Settings
- Find Default Roster Type
- Select Attendance or Check in / Check out
- If you select Check In / Check Out, you can also add Check In FormsNote: When updating the default roster type, this will not impact any existing scheduled activities.
Add or Edit Check In Forms
You can add Check In Forms to your rosters. These forms and questions will appear on the check in modal of any scheduled activity with Check In/Check Out as the roster setting.
Instructors can use these to take notes and track information on an individual student basis. These forms can later be exported for record-keeping.
To add or edit a check in form, you will need to
- Navigate to My Account > Settings
- Find Default Roster Type
- Select Check in / Check out
- Select the Add Check In Form button
- Next, you will add Check In Form Details
- Add a Form Title, this will appear next to student's names on every roster
- Add Options
- Note that options are can be checked off or left blank by instructors.
Select or Change the Roster Display
If you want to change the ways rosters display on a one-by-one basis, you can do so at the activity level.
- Log in to your Provider Portal. If you haven’t already, create an Activity and a Semester or Camp/Event time frame
- On Step 1 of adding your Activity to your Semester or Camp/Event time frame, scroll down to Advanced Settings to view the Attendance options
- Select Check in / Check out
- Click Save
To Check a Student In and Out
- Go to Upcoming and click on a class to open the roster
- If the Check In & Check Out feature is enabled, you will see the option to check a student in
- Select the Check In button
- In the popup, record the name of the person dropping the student off, make sure to acknowledge check in questions with a checkmark, and add any optional notes
- Click Confirm
- On the roster, you can view the date and time at which the student was checked in as well as the person who dropped off the student
To Check a Student Out
- When the student is being picked up, select the Check Out button
- In the popup, record the name of the person picking the student up and add any optional notes
- Click Confirm
- You can now view these details on the roster