To process a refund via Contacts, follow the steps below. If accessing the order from the Financials > Orders section, skip to step 5.
- Click on Contacts
- Search for the customer in your Client List
- Click on the customer
- Click on Orders
- Once you select the order, you will see the order details as well as the option to do the following:
- Cancel Order: The client will be refunded the amount they paid at checkout, the registered student(s) will be removed from the roster and, if future payments were scheduled, they will not be charged. (Note: if the order has installments that have already been paid other than the at-checkout amount, they will not be refunded with this button.)
- Cancel Bookings: This will remove the student(s) from all bookings associated with the order but it will not refund anything. If a booking was created using a pack spot, the pack spot will automatically be returned to the client when the booking is canceled.
- Receive Payment: If the client wants to settle up the amount due or wants to make an early payment, you can enter the balance, an optional note, and charge the card on file. Please note this will not create a new, separate order and will not send a confirmation email to the client.
- Refund: You can refund a customer the full amount or a partial amount.
- Adding/Removing Pack Spots: In an order for a pack, you can manually add or remove a pack spot.
- Editing Payment Plans: In an order with a payment plan, you can manually cancel the plan or the individual installments, you can adjust the amount due for future installments, and you can receive a payment sooner than scheduled.
- Cancel Order: The client will be refunded the amount they paid at checkout, the registered student(s) will be removed from the roster and, if future payments were scheduled, they will not be charged. (Note: if the order has installments that have already been paid other than the at-checkout amount, they will not be refunded with this button.)
Note: Providers can refund card and custom payment methods through Sawyer. These will be reflected in revenue reporting — so make sure to keep track of all refunds in the system to keep your reports accurate!