Widget tags let you group different scheduled activities together by tagging them with a particular word. Once you add the same widget tag to different scheduled activities, you can embed a piece of code to display a widget that only shows activities you tagged with the word you chose.
For example, if you want all your adult classes to show up in a particular widget on one page of your website, create an ‘adult’ widget tag so you can embed an adult-tagged widget on that page.
To set this up:
Go into Schedules and click on the Edit button to the right of the activity you want to tag. Find the Widget Tags field under Advanced Settings. Now add, for example, the word ‘adults.’ If it's not an existing tag, you'll have to type out the word, then click enter to enter it in a block. Then, make sure to save the page!
In your code, you can then update the URL to show only those tags.
A sample URL:
Please contact the Support Team for the widget code and additional information.